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Vergence Dysfunction

What is vergence dysfunction? Vergence dysfunction refers to a condition where there are difficulties or abnormalities in the coordinated movement of the eyes to maintain single binocular vision. Binocular vision involves the simultaneous use of


The Connection between Vision & Balance

To maintain balance and navigate space in our physical world, we must organize and integrate information from the visual (eyes), proprioceptive (information perceived through our muscles and joints to tell us where we are in space) and vestibular (inner ears sensing motion, equilibrium and spatial awareness) systems.


Usher’s Syndrome

What is Usher’s syndrome? Usher’s syndrome is an inherited genetic disease that affects both hearing and vision, as well as sometimes affecting balance function. It is the most common dual sensory impairment syndrome that affects


Vision Challenges with Vestibular Disorders

Explains the link between the vestibular system and vision, describing the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in detail with information on evaluation, treatment, and coping strategies. Details the special considerations required for vision correction, including glasses and contact lenses.


VeDA Ambassadors

An ambassador is an enthusiastic and dedicated vestibular patient or professional, or the family member of a vestibular patient, who is interested in sharing his or her time and expertise to help elevate awareness for vestibular disorders. As an ambassador you are passionate about our cause and committed to keeping abreast of new, relevant issues that may impact the vestibular community.


Current Vestibular Research

VeDA partners with the Journal of Vestibular Research and Barany Society to keep you up-to-date on the latest research in vestibular medicine.


Vision & Hearing

Our vision tells us where we are in space and plays an important role in helping us maintain our balance. When our eyes are not functioning correctly and/or are not working together, vestibular symptoms can arise.

Some vestibular disorders may result in hearing problems, such as hearing loss, tinnitus (the perception of a constant ringing or other sound) and hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound).

Managing vision and hearing problems appropriately is part of an effective vestibular treatment plan.


The Human Balance System

Maintaining balance depends on information received by the brain from the eyes, muscles and joints, and vestibular organs in the inner ear. When this system is disrupted by damage to one or more components through injury, disease, or the aging process you may experience impaired balance accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, vision problems, nausea, fatigue, and concentration difficulties.


Traumatic Brain Injury

Concussion recovery may be complicated by vestibular involvement. Vestibular rehabilitation can help.


Part II: Vestibular Assessment for Children

Review of Impairments Recent studies show that 5.3% of U.S. children, ages 3-17 years, complain of vestibular related impairments. Of these only 29.9% received treatment. 1 Vestibular related impairments include one or more of the
