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How to Deal with an Acute Vertigo Episode

Vertigo can be extremely hard to deal with. The sudden onset of world-turning dizziness and the accompanying nausea, imbalance and loss of function can feel paralyzing and cause great concern. You’re not alone. In fact,


Managing Nausea, Vomiting & Poor Appetite

By Danielle Beatty, DPT and Theresa Galvin, MS, RDN, CD-N DIETARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NAUSEA AND VOMITING It is important to rest the stomach and yet still avoid dehydration during acute periods of nausea and vomiting.


Fall Prevention

Fall prevention is important for seniors Fall prevention for older adults is an important part of addressing one of the leading health concerns for people over the age of 60, which is falling, often related


Balance & Aging

Why are Seniors at Higher Risk for Falls? Dizziness can happen at any age, but if it results in falling it can be a serious health concern, particularly in the older adult. Because a loss


Chiropractic for the treatment of vestibular disorders

There are a lot of people who may think a chiropractor will automatically “snap the neck” of every patient they see, including patients suffering from dizziness. Spinal manipulation, whether performed by a chiropractor, medical doctor,



There is increasing evidence on how sex hormones affect the inner ear. Many women report that hormonal fluctuations can trigger their vestibular symptoms. More research needs to be done to conclusively show a connection between hormonal changes and vestibular dysfunction, and until then there are few treatment options available.


Pets & Vestibular Dysfunction

Vestibular disorders are not unique to humans. All higher animals that have a vestibular system—from fish to mammals—can be afflicted, including cats and dogs.


Emotional Impacts of Vestibular Disorders

The mind/body connection is complex. Emotional factors – the way we think, feel and behave – can have a significant effect, for better or worse, on our physical health and our capacity to recover from illness. Anxiety, depression, and social isolation are common problems among people who suffer from vestibular impairment. Learn more about coping strategies and other treatment options.


Cognitive Impacts of Vestibular Disorders

When your brain is expending all its energy keeping you balance, there isn’t a lot left over for other cognitive processes. As a result, many vestibular patient struggle with attention, concentration and memory, and may feel disoriented and confused. Activities that were automatic, that you never had to even think twice about, now have to be meticulously focused on and thought about. Thankfully, there are ways to combat and overcome these difficulties and improve functioning.


Hearing Aids

Many patients with inner ear balance disorders also suffer from hearing loss. What is the connection between hearing and balance? How do hearing aids help, and what kinds of hearing aids are appropriate for people with balance-related hearing loss?


Complementary & Alternative Medicine

We’ve all seen the words “complementary,” “alternative,” and “integrative,” but what do they really mean? According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, “CAM” (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine combines conventional and CAM treatments for which there is evidence of safety and effectiveness.


Tai Chi for Balance

Originating in China centuries ago, Tai Chi is a martial art characterized by gracefully flowing movements and postures. Extensive medical literature, as well as the direct experience of physical therapists and other clinicians, supports Tai Chi as an excellent complementary therapy to vestibular rehabilitation. This article discusses the benefits of using Tai Chi to improve balance.
