
Human Interest Stories

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Rebuilding the Self – A Patient Perspective

Meniere’s Disease attacks two areas of the self: the physical body with dizziness, ringing ears, fullness in the head and hearing loss and the sense of self that we construct inside ourselves; our thinking self,


Amanda Rodriguez – Steps-2-Balance Ambassador

Vestibular migraine kept Amanda from her passion - running. Now she's back in the race. I was running about 200 miles a month before it happened. I was the type to clean my baseboards regularly.


In Loving Memory of Gerry

We honor vestibular patient, Gerry Kerlin, who passed away June 16th, 2017, and his surviving wife, Ann, who has contributed greatly to VeDA's patient education efforts, by sharing the story of Gerry's vestibular journey. As


Recovering From A Benign Brain Tumor

Friday morning, 14 May 2010, Claire Snyman opens her eyes to find the room spinning around her, the light fixture dancing above. Then she develops her first migraine ever. What is this all about? She


Take Back My Life 5K

VeDA Ambassador, David Morrill, recently completed a 5K race to raise awareness about vestibular disorders. By David Morrill, Chair, VeDA Ambassador Board and vestibular patient I call this my "Take Back My Life 5K." Two


Service Dogs for Vestibular Support

Can a person with vestibular disorder benefit from a service or emotional support dog? For those of you with balance and anxiety issues, this is a question you may ask yourself. In 2015, service animals


A Swimmer’s Journey

Betsy Stengel is a Meniere's patient and a life-long swimmer. In this article she describes the challenges a swimming pool poses for a vestibular patient, such as the dancing reflection of light below the pool's
