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In Loving Memory of Gerry

We honor vestibular patient, Gerry Kerlin, who passed away June 16th, 2017, and his surviving wife, Ann, who has contributed greatly to VeDA's patient education efforts, by sharing the story of Gerry's vestibular journey. As


Vestibular Community Survey

VeDA asked patients to share information about their symptoms and VeDA's role in supporting the vestibular community.Here are some of the key findings: Almost half took over a year to get correctly diagnosed. When asked to


Migraine Awareness Day

On June 21st AMD celebrates its first annual migraine awareness day to bring this disease to a higher level of public consciousness and eliminate the stigma associated with it.On June 21, the longest day of the


Dizzy Dash 2017 A Success!

Dashers walked their own paths to raise awareness and achieve a personal goal. Congratulations! Many goals were achieved as the 45 participants of this year's Dizzy Dash walked their own path to defeat dizziness. Here


Adults with Rare Disorders Support Study

Oregon State University conducts the largest survey of quality of life among adults with rare diseases. What is the study about? In partnership with the National Organization for Rare Disorders, this will be the first


Mal de Debarquement Survey

This report is the first study to investigate quality of life for those suffering with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS). In June 2016, members of MdDS Australia were invited to participate in an anonymous online


BPPV Clinical Practice Guidelines Updated

Experts update best practices for diagnosis and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo with a focus on improving quality of care and outcomes. The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation published the Clinical


Environmental Influences on Vestibular Disorders

Recent work has demonstrated that the symptoms of common vestibular disorders may be linked with certain environmental factors.  By Matthew G. Crowson MD Have you ever wondered if vestibular disorders and their symptoms are influenced


Ménière’s Syndrome or Ménière’s Disease?

The author postulates that many patients diagnosed with Ménière’s disease could actually have semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCSC). By Philippa Thomson “You are correct that Ménière’s disease is over diagnosed. Many physicians diagnose it when they


Binocular Vision Correction for the Treatment of Vestibular Symptoms

A subtle vision misalignment, when identified with a thorough medical history and treated with aligning lenses, may reduce symptoms for some vestibular patients. Binocular Vision Dysfunction and Vertical Heterophoria: A Brief History Binocular vision dysfunction


Coordinated Care for Vestibular Patients

Vestibular disorders do not belong to one healthcare specialty, but require a multi-disciplinary approach to ensure that patients are accurately diagnosed and effectively treated. By Kim Fox, DPT - Asheville Balance and Vestibular Center Often
