It’s Not Just a Headache
June is Migraine Awareness Month, and VeDA wants to bring awareness to a lesser known migraine variant called vestibular migraine (VM).
Did you know that approximately 40% of migraine patients have some accompanying vestibular syndrome involving disruption in their balance and/or dizziness? This may be prior to, during, after, or totally independent of their migraine event. Many of the food and environmental triggers for migraineurs are the same as those for patients with non-migrainous vestibular dysfunction. Hormonal fluctuations, foods, and weather changes (barometric-pressure variations) often exacerbate both conditions. Diet modifications and certain medications used in migraine management may ameliorate or prevent the vestibular symptoms.
Vestibular Migraine Ambassador – Michelle D.
I’ve had migraines as long as I can remember. However, I never thought they were anything more than a headache until I finally saw a neurologist during college who diagnosed them as such. I had them at a somewhat manageable point for awhile, but then woke up in Feb of 2019 with my world spinning, with a diagnosis of Vestibular Neuritis. I was mostly bedridden for months with dizziness, visual and balance issues, among other things. My anxiety and migraines got worse and more frequent due to my changed world. I’ve seen many doctors, tried therapies and medications, but I still have struggle daily with symptoms.
My migraines often include things like severe light and sound sensitivity, neck pain and brain fog, to name a few. So, when I saw VeDA’s contest for Balance Awareness Week in the fall of 2019, I entered and ended up winning a pair of Axon Optics Migraine glasses (kula tort indoor)! I was thrilled! I loved them so much that within six months I purchased the kula gray matte outdoor glasses (sunglasses) and love them, too! Axon’s light-sensitivity glasses are amazing because they filter out the “bad” light, but let in the good, so it isn’t just deep darkness…rather it’s vibrant and clear without the light sensitivity. It is slightly pink tinted that helps your eyes relax a bit. And they are cute, too!
I frequently use both pairs of my Axon Optics glasses. I use the indoor pair to avoid light sensitivity when I have to use the computer (computers are very difficult with all my issues), I use them at the very first sign of a migraine to try to help lessen the severity of the pain and sometimes it even helps the migraine from becoming full blown (as all overhead lights can bother it), and I use the outdoor glasses anytime I’m outside to help with the glaring sun (even on cloudy days they are amazing).
Axon’s FL-41 glasses really do help! I have been recommending them to anyone with migraines or light sensitivity, including my mother who now has a pair of flex curve indoor glasses and loves them so much she hopes to get the outdoor ones soon. Thanks again, Axon Optics, for a wonderful product and customer service!
$10 and 20%
When you purchase light-sensitivity glasses from Axon Optics, you get $25 off, plus a free case and glasses cleaner, PLUS Axon donates 10% to VeDA (use code VEDA). For every purchase VeDA can provide one-on-one support to a person struggling with unexplained dizziness and get them on the road to recovery.
Facebook Live
Join us on Friday, June 25th, 2021 at 10am PDT/1pm EDT for a Facebook Live interview with Axon founder and neuro-ophthalmologist, Dr. Bradley Katz to learn more about the relationship between migraine and light sensitivity, and how FL-41 glasses work.
Test Your Knowledge
Test your vestibular migraine terminology knowledge by playing our word match game! Tip: use VeDA’s glossary to help you.
Send your completed word match form to [email protected] and be entered to win a free pair of Axon light sensitivity glasses.
Vestibular Migraine Resources
- About vestibular migraine
- About light sensitivity/photophobia
- Vestibular migraine coping strategies
- 8 effective home remedies for light sensitivity
- Can migraine glasses help me feel less pain