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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Just an update. I wrote a while ago about my condition post 2nd Pfizer vaccine. I’ve been diagnosed with BPPV by the private Ear, Throat, Nose doctor in Bosnia as I had to wait forever to get diagnosed in UK due to ridiculous waiting times. First I saw the cardiologist who disregarded any heart issues I thought I had due to palpitations, which are after numerous tests probably due to panic and anxiety when a case of vertigo kicks in. He presumed it’s bppv after various tests, then after I visited the ear specialist and did balance and hearing tested it was confirmed to me. The ear doctor said it will most probably last for the lifetime but with Brandt-Daroff exercises and avoiding triggers which involve sudden head movements and tilting I should be ok. The exercises have really helped. I feel no vertigo after 3 days but any strenuous activity I feel it’s there in the background waiting to come out. I’ve cut out deadlifts, squats, bench press from by gym routine as these are particularly bad and also I find too much chocolate a trigger so I’ve cut out sweet things in my diet. Also I’ve been put on a 3 month cycle of betahisitine tablets. 


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What a great video!!  I wonder if it really works...

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@pretzel what excersises do you have to do?

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Posted by: @stars182

Posted by: @ksharky13

HI all:  I have to admit that I am getting distraught. My tinnitus is a loud as ever and seems to be getting gradually worse over time.  And my anxiety is sky high and constant.  To compound things, I’ even starting to doubt that it was due to the vaccine, although my first spike came 4-5 weeks after my Moderna booster 16 months ago.  I also mad a horrible mistake of getting off an SSRI last June that I had been taking for several years so now I’m wondering if my tinnitus and anxiety are due to SSRI withdrawal syndrome and not the covid vaccine.  I believe it’s fairly rare to have SSRI withdrawal for 10 months, or to get new symptoms months after stopping.  So I have no idea if what I am going through is vaccine related or SSRI withdrawal related.

I have two types of tinnitus going on: 1) I have a high pitched electric “hiss” that is more in my head than my ears.  I know a lot of people on here mentioned that they got the “hiss” after their vax;  2) I also have a high pitch and a moderate pitch tone in my right ear.  I am seeing an audiologist tomorrow to see if I have any discernable hearing loss that could be contributing to my tinnitus.  I’m just so scared that this is going to be permanent and maybe will even continue to get worse.

If anybody on here has any advice, similar experience, etc. I would very much appreciate it.  I am saddened as there is so little traffic on here anymore.  Either people got better or are just accepting things and getting on with their lives as best they can.


Believe me bro, IT'S FROM THE VACCINE!
I'm having periods of a loud peak of the tinnitus sound to quieter cycles. But the buzz is always there.

Was it damage to the auditory nerve, or damage to the auditory structure, or damage to some nerve cells, it's permanent.

But I believe there are medications that can make tinnitus worse.


@stars182:  I appreciate your reply and comments.  While I am inclined to agree with you that it is, in fact, the vaccine and is permanent damage, I will continue to hold out hope that, whatever the cause in my situation, it will resolve at least to some point in the near future.  I do believe in the body’s power to heal itself via neuroplasticity, even in cases of damaged nerves.  I do think that the severe decrease in traffic on this forum indicates that some percentage of those who have dropped off got better, including some who had tinnitus from the vaccines. I also question as to how long new symptom can continue to show up, long after the vaccine and spike protein have been cleared out by our immune system. I do understand that a lot of people have suffered multiple, serious and log-term adverse side effects from the vaccines.  I do hope everyone gets back to their “old selves” eventually.



I also can't say 100% that it's permanent as I've had about 20 different symptoms and all of them (except tinnitus) eased/recovered completely.

It may be that in 3 or 5 years the tinnitus will be better (at a very low and more constant volume) or completely cured.


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Posted by: @malo

@ksharky13 I am taking a range of things for a range of symptoms, not just the tinitus as I feel it's all linked.  During the day I feel my visual distortions, tinitus, head pressure, slight facial and finger numbness  and vertigo  are  part of the same subset, then at night the pounding racing heart joins in with spikes in my BP along with raised veins down my arms and legs and  this feels like it's a cardio vascular thing going on... Sometimes my gut joins in with  rumbles and squelching and I have burning sensations  that occur around my heart, chest and torso with tingling spongey feelings in my feet.  I don't know where to really focus, so I am trying to follow Dr Sayed Haider's protocol for VX injured/long haulers for now which  I have posted a link to on my timeline.... I'm also  seeing a traditional Chinese  Meds person and reading up on what people have been doing here.  So far I'm in exactly the same place, if not worse, but also think a lot of  unavoidable stress in my life at the moment  isn't helping and I need to get through this phase to totally know.  I really wish you well - I am so moved by  everyone's accounts on here and feel so furious at what's happened and the complete lack of most of the medical profession to support and work with us to find a way through all this suffering


look into microclots there are more articles now on this. And there are over the counter supplements you can take for this and it’s said that microclots can cause a lot of the symptoms listed here. Look into it if I come across the articles I’ll post them. I see a functional medicine doctor next week. I’m gonna ask about mcas and microclots and what are some safe over the counter supplements. I’ve read on a Facebook neuro vax long hauler group that one guy got good results when he starting taking NattoKinase good results for his tinnitus and other symptoms but that one mainly stood out for me. Because I suffer from tinnitus and sensitivity hearing. I’m also having a bout of a relapse today I got back of the head pressure and my eyes feel like there’s pressure my hearing sensitivity is bothering me a lot today the right side of my head is now bothering me with pressure which never use to happen. Scary stuff 


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Posted by: @stars182

Posted by: @ksharky13

Posted by: @stars182

Posted by: @ksharky13

HI all:  I have to admit that I am getting distraught. My tinnitus is a loud as ever and seems to be getting gradually worse over time.  And my anxiety is sky high and constant.  To compound things, I’ even starting to doubt that it was due to the vaccine, although my first spike came 4-5 weeks after my Moderna booster 16 months ago.  I also mad a horrible mistake of getting off an SSRI last June that I had been taking for several years so now I’m wondering if my tinnitus and anxiety are due to SSRI withdrawal syndrome and not the covid vaccine.  I believe it’s fairly rare to have SSRI withdrawal for 10 months, or to get new symptoms months after stopping.  So I have no idea if what I am going through is vaccine related or SSRI withdrawal related.

I have two types of tinnitus going on: 1) I have a high pitched electric “hiss” that is more in my head than my ears.  I know a lot of people on here mentioned that they got the “hiss” after their vax;  2) I also have a high pitch and a moderate pitch tone in my right ear.  I am seeing an audiologist tomorrow to see if I have any discernable hearing loss that could be contributing to my tinnitus.  I’m just so scared that this is going to be permanent and maybe will even continue to get worse.

If anybody on here has any advice, similar experience, etc. I would very much appreciate it.  I am saddened as there is so little traffic on here anymore.  Either people got better or are just accepting things and getting on with their lives as best they can.


Believe me bro, IT'S FROM THE VACCINE!
I'm having periods of a loud peak of the tinnitus sound to quieter cycles. But the buzz is always there.

Was it damage to the auditory nerve, or damage to the auditory structure, or damage to some nerve cells, it's permanent.

But I believe there are medications that can make tinnitus worse.


@stars182:  I appreciate your reply and comments.  While I am inclined to agree with you that it is, in fact, the vaccine and is permanent damage, I will continue to hold out hope that, whatever the cause in my situation, it will resolve at least to some point in the near future.  I do believe in the body’s power to heal itself via neuroplasticity, even in cases of damaged nerves.  I do think that the severe decrease in traffic on this forum indicates that some percentage of those who have dropped off got better, including some who had tinnitus from the vaccines. I also question as to how long new symptom can continue to show up, long after the vaccine and spike protein have been cleared out by our immune system. I do understand that a lot of people have suffered multiple, serious and log-term adverse side effects from the vaccines.  I do hope everyone gets back to their “old selves” eventually.



I also can't say 100% that it's permanent as I've had about 20 different symptoms and all of them (except tinnitus) eased/recovered completely.

It may be that in 3 or 5 years the tinnitus will be better (at a very low and more constant volume) or completely cured.



see my post below look into microclots there are more articles coming out about it. It’s not being tested for in Canada only in private clinics in the states look up dr Vaughn. He tests for it and has been treating ppl. And many success stories as well. Including tinnitus and pots 


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Melatonin alleviates vascular endothelial cell damage by regulating an autophagy‐apoptosis axis in Kawasaki disease

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Here’s the post I was referring to about that supplement used for microclots I will also post the article once I find it

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Here’s a post regarding microclots someone posted asking for success stories 



This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Thisistoomuch

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And your tinnitus and dizziness how is it? Did you get any better?

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Posted by: @stars182



And your tinnitus and dizziness how is it? Did you get any better?


no not better still the same. Got a spike of that hiss since the dog barked hasn’t gone down and we still have the damn dog.


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Posted by: @jwills1


Hi Mike how are you doing? I haven’t seen you post in some time, I hope you’ve been having some improvement??

@jwills1:  I’ve been reading some of your posts and noticed that you were diagnosed a few months ago with injury to the endothelium layer as well as having microclots. I’ve been seeing more and more information about the microclot issue recently, particularly as it relates to people with long covid (I don’t have long covid, I have vaccine-related issues).  I’ve also read that Nattokinase can/has helped some people recover from their symptoms. The issue of microclots would seem to explain a lot of symptoms people are dealing with.

I wanted to reach out to see what kind of treatments you tried after your diagnosis, and if you have experienced any improvement over the last few months. Also, what test did you have that diagnosed the microclots? I know there’s no silver bullet and that these vaccine side effects are likely much more complex than just one issue, but it may at least explain some and also point to a treatment. Any information you can share would be appreciated.  Thanks and take care.


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I hope everyone is getting better but unfortunately I am getting worse everyday...  My symptoms are practically in each and every cell of my body now. Still only cortisone seems to help a little and nothing else helps.

I know most of us follow every source we can find but I wanted to make sure that you have watched John Campbells latest 2 videos on german and japanese patient pathology results. (Unfortunately his video on japanese pathology was requested to be removed by youtube as expected, but the one about german patients is still available)

Now as it seems, we have non-living bile-clot like cholesterol crystalline substances in our blood, produced by our own body cells (mainly endothelia cells) as a side effect of the jab. (Actually everyone was suspecting this was the case after seeing the videos about embalmers finding strange substances on dead patient bloods). These news and confirmations coming from different doctors from different countries, makes me believe these.

The key word crystalline probably explains why I feel like something is cutting me from inside. Another key point is infiltration&accumulation of these substances in different organs causing all kind of different autoimmune diseases, kidney, spleen, brain,.... problems in addition to ischemia. So my understanding is our condition in addition to being irreversible, is progressive and progression seems to be unstoppable. It also explains why it effects so many different organs, why the pain is moving from one area to another.


Now at least we know what is causing all our symptoms.

These links are available in the info section of his video

This post was modified 2 years ago by Asanders

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Posted by: @gigio

I wanted to share with you that taking chlorine dioxide + Vitamin C in heavy IV doses for two weeks was a game changer. 

On the German forum are reported positive experiences with CDL:

See also


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Posted by: @asanders

I hope everyone is getting better but unfortunately I am getting worse everyday...  My symptoms are practically in each and every cell of my body now. Still only cortisone seems to help a little and nothing else helps.

I know most of us follow every source we can find but I wanted to make sure that you have watched John Campbells latest 2 videos on german and japanese patient pathology results. (Unfortunately his video on japanese pathology was requested to be removed by youtube as expected, but the one about german patients is still available)

Now as it seems, we have non-living bile-clot like cholesterol crystalline substances in our blood, produced by our own body cells (mainly endothelia cells) as a side effect of the jab. (Actually everyone was suspecting this was the case after seeing the videos about embalmers finding strange substances on dead patient bloods). These news and confirmations coming from different doctors from different countries, makes me believe these.

The key word crystalline probably explains why I feel like something is cutting me from inside. Another key point is infiltration&accumulation of these substances in different organs causing all kind of different autoimmune diseases, kidney, spleen, brain,.... problems in addition to ischemia. So my understanding is our condition in addition to being irreversible, is progressive and progression seems to be unstoppable. It also explains why it effects so many different organs, why the pain is moving from one area to another.


Now at least we know what is causing all our symptoms.

These links are available in the info section of his video


How many doses you got?

How long are the doses?


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