Have you had covid vaccine before all this happened? If yes , there is a hole 400 page long topic on the same issues you have described after the covid vaccine
I ,along with many of us here can certainly relate to your frustration. Your symptoms are very similar to mine. I woke up one day with vertigo and about 16 years later I still have my balance issues along with fatigue. I don't get vertigo often but a sensation that vertigo will start but doesn't. I live in the USA and it took months of testing and going to various specialists that all seem to agree this all started with a viral infection,thus giving me vestibular neuritis. Also,have BPPV that means crystals in my inner ear get out of position and ENT does the Epley maneuver. If you can get some help with vestibular rehab this may help you.We all know this is one very difficult diagnosis and many of us here in the USA also get very frustrated getting a proper diagnosis. Hope I was some help. You certainly found an excellent source of helping you understand what is going on by becoming a VeDa member, Best wishes. Keep us posted.