thank you Helen 🙂
sometimes life isn’t fair is it.. but let’s hope that I’ll be okay after my second. As for a booster I have 6 months that I can wait for that and by then I hope it’s not mandatory!
in aus we seem to be behind the rest of the world
@montydes did you find that it offset the same way as the second dose or different for your post booster? I may need it for my job eventually....
By exemple with my second, which is when my symptoms started, my eyelids started to twitch, then it moves to other parts of my body. Now it remains it my hands and feet but not as much in my face anymore. Wondering if it felt the same post
I had my first Pfizer on 9th Oct 2021 and still have ongoing symptoms 12 weeks later. Started with aching muscles and zaps of pain all over the place but mostly in legs feet arms and hands. I had regular heart palpitations too (but those are infrequent now) . Then 2 weeks later the awful prickling and tingling started everywhere !!. Now I have some days that are better than others. In fact , 2 weeks ago I thought the prickling had gone ( I was so excited!) but slowly came back again and seems to be almost as bad as before. I've had all the blood tests and an ECG and all came back normal so have been told I should take second vaccine. I asked DR if the symptoms could get worse if I got 2nd vax and he said its impossible to say and there's no way tell but still to get it. Without it I will lose my job by next week.
Has anyone had a second vax while still suffering ongoing side effects from first.? Did it get worse ?
Well I had the second vax to keep my job Its 3 days and the tingling/prickling has increased 10 fold! The insomnia I thought was just incidental is awful. I feel so wide awake and cant sleep till almost dawn ( all those hours just lying there arggh!) And a new symptom- Tinnitus ! So awful. Well its early days and will let you know how it goes
Anyone here has skin issues?
Many people asking about symptoms after the booster. I had very bad symptoms after the second dose. I did have some symptoms after the booster too. The tingling returned, the state of being very tired returned. But it all lasted way shorter. I feel almost fully recovered now, after only experiencing the symptoms for just a week or so.
Hello, 34 year old female here. I got the J and J vaccine on March 9th of last year. I’ve been reading this forum for help since then, but have never posted. Shortly after receiving the vaccine, I felt like my body was burning from the inside. The next day my legs felt heavy, the burning continued. Within a few days I started feeling the worst dizziness of my life, I could barely do a thing. I also began to feel joint pain, tinnitus (ringing in ears), clicking in one ear, muscle tremors, internal tremors (felt like an earthquake inside of me), brain zaps, headaches, lightheadedness, and buzzing/tingling throughout the body. I’ve tried gabapentin, acupuncture, quercetin, zinc, b vitamins, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, nac, glutathione, etc. none of it seems to help. I’ve gotten two MRIs, blood tests, everything comes back normal. The only thing that seems to help at all is time. Most of the symptoms have died down, but the tingling/buzzing in my feet still persists and it’s been almost 11 months. I’m not sure if it will ever stop at this point. I force myself to keep exercising and living my life like I’m okay. The pain in the beginning was so bad though, there’s no way I could go through it again.
Can barely walk by now. Walk's too strong a word... it's shuffling about hanging onto things aided by a walking stick. Unsteady, somewhat dizzy. Shivery/cold (normal body temp). Right leg/foot minute improvement. But left/foot/hip (jab side) totally numb, toes cramped, and badly affects moving about.
Lodged a complaint against my disinterested/useless GP.
Furthermore, the ordered NAC, Vit D3 and Vit C were delivered today. Ofcourse I immediately started with 'em. I am already taking Extra Strength B Complex daily.
For those of you who have taken NAC, approx how long did it take before you started experiencing some benefits? Thank you in advance.
Oh no I'm truly worried to hear that you are still affected!
Have you had a nerve conduction study?
Is the buzz/tingle constant or comes and goes?
My friend (like KitKat's doctor) who is also a doctor agrees with the GBS diagnosis. Sometimes it can affect only sensory nerves, or even organs themselves but on their own sensory sides so it wouldn't really show up on anything.
However, you can still recover it just takes too long sometimes. 😥
If it helps my entire leg used to feel numb but that's very rare now. In fact only happened once to each leg in months and was shorter than when I had it daily. Period seems to affect flare ups which kinds sucks given that it's a monthly thing.
Right now my thigh muscles feel "weird". A bit weak, a bit shaky maybe, ever so slightly chilly and tight. Zaps in legs too. A couple of days ago I had a short spell where I felt nothing wrong anywhere so I still try and stay positive.
Also, I thought I'd never draw again. It was so debilitating and unbearable that I couldn't even turn on my computer to draw on it for nearly 4 months (and before my symptoms started I'd work on it every single night). I am drawing again now. I hope I can run too in the spring.
I never had movement problems though so I still think you should go to a hospital if you continue to deteriorate ☹ or maybe ask ambulance crew to come and check you? You deserve to be seen.
Hi everyone. I have just submitted all of my symptoms on the government yellow card, if you can please do the same! It’s quick and easy to do. The more people that report these symptoms, hopefully the better
Hi everyone ! Has anyone experienced a weird internal buzzing sensation ? I feel it in my foot and sometimes a bit in my lower leg . It’s not constant and I can cope with it fine but I notice it sometimes when relaxing or sitting and it’s been really annoying me and making me extremely worried and anxious.
Also recently some small twitches in random parts of my body and feel like I can feel my heartbeat in my body
any reply will be so much help thanks a lot and wish you all a good day
I'm a 51 year old male. I reluctantly got my 1st Pfizer shot on Jan 18th as I was being coerced by work and couldn't afford to lose my job. I got the shot in my right arm and my right deltoid muscle was quite sore on the day I got the shot. The pain lasted for approximately three days. My range of motion wasn't restricted but I did suffer pain when trying to lift my arm above head height. I took it easy on the day after I got the shot and basically just spent the better part of the day in front of my computer. In the afternoon, I noticed a pins-and-needles sensation in my left forearm and the pinky and ring finger on my left hand. I initially chalked it up to spending too much time sitting at the PC and pushing the mouse around but the tingling sensation persisted and hasn't abated for more than an hour or two at a time since the initial onset of symptoms. In addition, the pins-and needles sensation has slowly spread. I expanded into my left shoulder first. Then into my right shoulder, forearm, and pinky and ring fingers on my right hand. Occasionally, it will get more intense and the sensation will encompass my whole hand, all fingers and thumb. This occurs in both hands but not always at the same time. I also sometimes get an odd tingling sensation in my upper chest that feels a bit like pins and needles but also has a cold sensation to it as though I'd rubbed a muscle relaxant such as A535 on my chest. This can last for 10 minutes up to 3 or 3 hours at a time.
Two days ago, my legs started to feel a bit off as well. My quadriceps muscles in both legs feel a bit fatigued and even something as simple as walking on level ground feels like I'm trying to walk after a grueling workout or a long hike. I'm getting some slight pins-and-needles tingling in my feet from time to time but it's intermittent. Twice last night, I felt an intense jolt on the left side of my tongue. The sensation was not dissimilar to an electrical discharge. The jolting sensation was very brief but for 5-10 seconds afterwards, my tongue hurt and there was a metallic taste in my mouth.
I went to see my doctor today. He's a vax advocate and I simply could not get him to agree that this was likely a vax injury. Having said that, he was very thorough in his inspection. He said it doesn't look like GBS at this point but that might change. He referred me to a neurosurgeon but the earliest appointment I can get is 1-2 months out unless there's a cancellation. I'm also being sent for bloodwork but all the labs are booked solid until Monday at the earliest.
I've been avoiding taking the vaccine wholly because I was worried about the lack of proper testing and the number of adverse reactions that I'd read about. I'm gutted that I was coerced into taking this shot and am now most likely yet another statistic to be swept under the rug. To make matters worse, I'm still considered unvaxxed in my province in Canada and will continue to be barred from many aspects of society including travel. The doctor refuses to even consider a medical exemption (they're impossible to get here. I don't know exactly what the Provincial Health Officer threatened these doctors with, but none will sign off on exemptions). I really don't want to get a 2nd dose in light of what's happened but if I don't, I'll be on the unemployment line and nobody is hiring the unvaxxed in my field of expertise here.
Yes I've had both. Chilling on sofa or in bed and it just buzzes. Awful.
It started about 2 months ago and it's still on/off. But it's less strong now.