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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@jaydev55 Not anymore, except for an occasional headache. Mostly just the tingling left in my feet now, but it comes and goes now. It used to never stop. 

Barb and Barb reacted
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@medee Yes, of my brain. One was of the ventricles of my brain. 

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@christine How long did it take for the tingling to stop. I am going into week 4 with numbness and tingling in my legs and fingers.

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TMJ, uh huh. Next time it will be ATN (atypical trigeminal neuralgia). And neither would uninvolved but are not at the root of the problem. The dorsal root ganglia is! 
Anyway, I’m learning too and there is a clear correlation between the remedies found to work and those known to provide relief for shingles. 
High doses of vitamin C sounds promising. The helpful thing is that any excess or unabsorbed Vit C is simply peed out. Things may get fluorescent!

Vitamin B12 i see widely mentioned here is important for nerve damage recovery and probably help those twitches 

Coconut water, the proper stuff can be a bit pricey but it is highly hydrating and instantly cooling. Also antiviral. 

Heat of any kind is not your friend, especially hot water

Kimberly, Barb and Barb reacted
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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @tinglyin2021

Anyone else experience lip tingling?  That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?

Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.

Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?

Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.

Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.

Any one experience such symptoms.


Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.

Have the tingling and numbness is yr face, tongue, throat gone ?

All my teeth are like not align anymore and keep biting on my tongue. Do u have this experience.

And every morning my abdomen make very loud noise like there is frog inside my tummy making the noise.

Yes, exactly how I explain my family that it feels like there's a frog inside my tummy.

Have you been to  a doctor for the tummy thing? I haven't yet. 

Hi, Dee!

I would like to say what I think about one of the symptoms that upset you: the sounds you hear in your stomach.

You said also that they are more common at night and this seems to me a significant observation.

I think the disorder you're talking about, these abdominal sounds, is another form of manifestation for a problem that many people have.

I think it's the same kind of disorder that other people have described: it's a very high production of gas in the digestive tract. It manifests itself either as belching or bloating.

Many talk about high gas accumulation in the digestive tract.

An intestinal dysmicrobism, obviously.

I would like to tell you an experience:

A woman I know has developed a number of side effects: burning pain, weakness, tremor, internal vibration, shortness of breath and, very often, gas expelled out of the stomach,  through the mouth.

For this annoying gas removed from the stomach, she tried different treatments:

-espumisan, the medicine that is typically offered in case of bloating - but it really didn't help



-fennel and anise oils - which helped a little

-treatment with nystatin, in case of an intestinal candidiasis, which could have explained the overproduction of gas - helped a little

-treatment of an supposed Helicobacter pylori, which is also known to cause bloating - but did not help

-treatment with Normix, an intestinal disinfectant - did not help

The treatment that finally helped was some pills from the naturopathic store, which, in total, contained these plants: mint, salvia officinalis, fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum), gentiana lutea, cloves, black wormwood, pumpkin seeds, garlic, grapefruit seeds, fennel, thyme (thymus vulgaris), black pepper.

Slowly, these pills took effect, after about a month this gas production decreased almost completely.

We must note the following: these plants are antiparasitic.

The side effects described by different people are different, very different, but some elements are mentioned by many people and they are very significant, because the question is: how can they be explained, what can produce them, what does it look like, from what is known so far?

Some special things are told by many people:

-although there are various symptoms, many have noticed that it worsens in the evening or at night - so some people have more tachycardia at night or more tinnitus during the night than during the day, or more headaches at night than during the day. Also, the temperature, sweating and chills are accentuated in the evening and at night.

-many people noticed nocturnal insomnia

-periods of remission and relapse alternate

-also, it is special that some symptoms appear suddenly, without warning and suddenly reach very high degrees.

All these symptoms are also characteristic of parasitic infections.

In addition, parasitic infections can be associated with allergic manifestations (hence the problem in which histamine is involved) and with autoimmune diseases.
The inflammation caused by parasitic toxins is so great that sometimes the treatment of a parasitosis is associated with cortisone. So there are similarities with what is found in people with side effects.

I have selected from various sites lists of manifestations of parasitosis. I haven't passed any links, because anyone can find a lot of data on this topic on the net:

-digestive problems including stomach cramps, pain, unexplained constipation, diarrhoea or persistent gas, nausea or vomiting

-skin issues such as rashes, eczema, hives, crawling sensation under the skin and itching

-various forms of mental distress, anxiety, headaches, eye aches, behavioral changes, a strange sensation that something is stuck in the head

-nocturnal insomnia


-body aches, continuous muscle and joint pain


-weight loss

-swollen lymph nodes.

It is also known that the symptoms caused by parasites are maddening.

Very informative are the pages where they talk about  “pathogen and parasite die off symptoms”.

There are, in fact, many causes and mechanisms involved, which are present to varying degrees in those affected and these mechanisms are interconnected with each other, they influence each other and explains the side effects:


-tendency to coagulation or bleeding

-autoimmune phenomena

-histamine problems: allergy to additives, MCAS

-reactivated infections or susceptibility to new infections

-direct effect on ACE2 receptors, with high blood pressure

-plus the individual elements, some, pre-existing: deficiencies, heavy metals.

But, among them, I think, it emerges as a well-founded suspicion: the parasitic infection.

I do not know which, although I tried to find out which parasites can infect, for example, the brain. Although some parasites may not colonize the brain, but their toxins circulate to the brain and cause brain symptoms such as anxiety, headache, dizziness, etc.

Parasites infecting the gut may ignite an inflammatory cascade throughout the body, is known.

If you find this an interesting idea, I hope you try to find information for this topic.

Naturopathic products to treat parasitosis could be tried, I think, at least by those who have noticed a worsening of symptoms at night or have symptoms on the list of characteristic symptoms in parasitosis.

A visit to a parasitologist may also be interesting.

It is true that I have not read to anyone who has found high values ​​of eosinophils or IgE.

However, the assumption about parasitosis is worth considering.

A very interesting article is entitled:„Chronic giardiasis with vitamin 12 and folate deficiency presenting with psychiatric symptoms“. And a phrase from this article is: “the description of fleeting visual hallucinations suggested a possible organic origin”.

This is about mental symptoms, but the idea is: they are intermittent phenomena. Intermittent phenomena that have an organic cause.

And the question is: "why are they intermittent, how can this be explained?"

If a person drinks a glass of wine from time to time, then in those moments it can be a little different: funny or emotional, etc.

So a certain substance that reaches the brain from time to time, causes certain manifestations.

Parasitic toxins, discharged from time to time, upon replication or death of the parasite, may explain intermittent neurological or psychological phenomena.

That is, it could be an explanation for the fact that the symptoms sometimes appear suddenly, without explanation, without phenomena that announce them and the symptoms suddenly reach great severity.

JustJames and JustJames reacted
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@jamesallmandsmith thanks for all the info!


I’m just worried my doctors won’t listen when I bring it to them. I am hoping they do. I’ve lost all hope in doctors here helping me. I want this out of my body. Im worried it will stay this way forever. 


if the need powder can help I will try it. I’ve don’t vitamin c and b12 for a while now. 

If anyone does get this diagnosis through their doctors please keep us updated! I’d love for it to be addressed! 


Barb and Barb reacted
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Posted by: @christine

@floryeo I had both head aches and nerve pain and brain zaps. Also felt lightheaded and dizzy a lot. Most of that is gone now.

How long does it take to go away? I am 6mth now and still suffering.

Losing hope....

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@tashley hey there I just saw your post. I have other symptoms then you but the insomnia is horrible for me as well. I sleep now and wake like Clockwork every 2 hours. And I do a huge Pooh at 8:30 o4 so every morning. Crazy!!! There was a time that I wouldn’t sleep at all. But there is people who have gradually gotten it back but it takes time. I recently had a high ANA test as well. Do you take anything for it?. My anxiety is through the roof most of the time as well. Pray we all get through this soon. 

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Has/will anyone be taking the novavax vaccine after adverse reactions to the previous ones? I have to have the vaccine due to work purposes 🙁 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @christine

@floryeo I had both head aches and nerve pain and brain zaps. Also felt lightheaded and dizzy a lot. Most of that is gone now.

How ling dud it take for it to go away and did yiu take anything?

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@floryeo I understand about losing hope. I have to work each day at keeping hope alive!


We will get better and one day it will all be a bad dream in the rearview mirror.


Been 7 months for me now. 


Please keep us posted and all good wishes for you and all of us to be well and restored soon!

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@pumpkinc Things have improved after a month of symptoms. Most days are almost normal, although I do still have the numbness often in the middle of the night and sporadic sensations during the day on occasion. 

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@carini I am glad you found something to help you sleep. I had symptoms for a solid month and slowly things started getting back to normal. I still wake up to numb limbs often and there are still days that I experience mild sensations, but thankfully they are just noticeable inconveniences and not the debilitating experience I had before.

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@lookingforanswers Hi Susie. This forum will not allow me to reply to your private message for some reason. To answer your question, my symptoms have improved. I suffered for a solid month. Even now, I will still wake up often to numb limbs and some days mild symptoms sporadically return. These are mostly just inconvenient now and not debilitating as they were before. When it was the worst, I took a baby  aspirin daily, changed my diet completely to anti-inflammatory foods, drank plenty of water, cut back on alcohol, and exercised at least once a day. I found that getting my legs up as much and as high as possible seemed to help. I hope things improve for you soon!

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Posted by: @christine

@floryeo I had both head aches and nerve pain and brain zaps. Also felt lightheaded and dizzy a lot. Most of that is gone now.

How long did it take for you?

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