Last seen: February 26, 2022 7:56 pm
@tone I had insomnia in the beginning but have been taking cbd oil (no thc) and it does help me relax at night and sleep. I now sleep 6-8 hrs a night....
@jamesallmandsmith thanks for all the info! I’m just worried my doctors won’t listen when I bring it to them. I am hoping they do. I’ve lost all...
@jamesallmandsmith I will try the neem powder! Hoping this helps! this week I’ve had shooting pain in my head & it does feel eerily similar to ...
@jamesallmandsmith I had shingles as a teen. And on my left shoulder. Could that be a reactivation I’m having from that? unfortunately my GP is of n...
Its been a while since I lasted posted. Months probably. I had a few weeks/months where I felt so much better and the numbness receded a bit. I have i...
@jkro I took moderna & initially thought my reaction was because the dosage is so much higher in it than pzifer. But seeing everyone on here I thi...
@richardhall17 I’m sorry to hear you haven’t found any answers either! It’s very frustrating. My neurologist only used a toothpick to poke my hands an...
Just got home from my neurologist Appt. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (I already knew I had an anxiety disorder from a previous di...
@jkrogmeier I agree that I think steroids would help! I was so frustrated my GP wouldn’t even consider it. I have heard a few people say it helped the...
@jkrogmeier I do suffer from anxiety & mild depression.
@apnp23 I feel like it flares up much more when I’m stressed. And I usually am bc it hasn’t gotten better! Hope for all of us it just goes away.
Had my first shot on July 23 & was ok for first few days. In about a week I was having intense pain in my arm, shoulder, upper back and underarm/b...