@fifoh I wish I knew it! He was just a stand in at my Dr's. It was pure luck I saw him however he has since called me and I expect I will speak with him again so I shall ask for his name. Not only for your sake but for mine. He's been my nhs angel throughout all this. Actually listening to me and taking me seriously.
@ndz95 I have the worst health anxiety too so this has been mental torture for me. Seriously struggling.
@carmenm thank you for this. I have actually been on amitriptyline not that long ago but unfortunately it didn't agree with me and I had to come off it. I was given it at 10mg for nerve pain. Now I am just coping and hoping my symptoms ease off over time but who knows. The sooner I see a neurologist the better 🙁
@jpgdubgmail-com Jean, I know exactly the sensation(s) you mean. I feel that itching too and it's 100% how you described: it feels deep down, not at the surface. I've been experiencing it more and more lately. It's tough for sure. Thinking of you. All my sensations (including the burning) do seem to be worsened when I'm stressed. Argh!
Hi everyone! Seeing some new people posting with similar sensations. I hate that we're all feeling these painful and scary symptoms. Glad we've found each other, though!
So, I saw my neurologist yesterday. He didn't have many answers for me yet. He doesn't seem to think it's POTS, small nerve fiber neuropathy, or GBS. He thinks it's an adverse reaction to the vaccine. He didn't seem to completely understand the severity of my pain/sensations, which is very frustrating, but he has ordered an EMG for September 8th. That's kind of good because that should tell me more about the health of my nerves and I can keep y'all posted. He also--and maybe this will bring comfort to others--does not think this will be permanent, although he couldn't give me a firm timeline.
Now, I am in no way a doctor, but the fact that many of us are having tests and having them come back negative is confounding and frustrating, but also gives me a bit of hope. Maybe that means there isn't permanent damage and that these reactions will go away in time. I know it's painful and scary but I think we need to try and find some hope. 🙂 I keep having panic attacks, lots of stress throughout my day. It's debilitating and isolating. I totally get the fear you all are having. But I have hope that we're going to see a lot of relief, I just think it's going to happen around the 6 month mark. Some of us might be 3 months, some might be closer to a year, but I think it's going to fade and mostly or totally disappear in time. I know it doesn't feel like it right now. I'm at week 5 now and believe me, I'm completely and utterly exhausted from this. I just want my life back. But I think, as much as it sucks, we have to be patient and rest and there will be healing.
Also, I should mention my neurologist prescribed me Cymbalta for the pain. Any experiences with this? I tried it for the first time yesterday and I had terrible insomnia so I'm not sure if I should keep taking it. Without proper sleep I actually feel worse/more burning/more painful today. It seemed to help temporarily yesterday but I don't want to forego sleep for it!
Also, very annoyed that so many of our doctors are attributing this to anxiety. At one point, my neurologist hinted at the same. This is not anxiety. Sure, stress and anxiety can exacerbate symptoms of pretty much any condition. But this is not in our heads. I wasn't even anxious about getting my shot--in fact, I was excited. (Feeling a touch foolish about that now, ha.)
I am having the EXACT same symptoms as was posted in the first page of this thread.
I told my wife the exact symptoms prior to commencing ANY "googling" and finding this page. I started getting the symptoms not long after my 1st Pfizer shot (perhaps 1-2 hours). I didn't pay much attention at first because it was mild initially.
Now it is one day later but these are the symptoms I have been experiencing thus far:
*Tingling predominantly 80% in my left fingers (commencing 1-2 hours after 1st jab) (that was the arm that was vaccinated) 20% in right set of fingers. All of which still currently persist 24 hours later.
*~18 hours after 1st vaccination I awoke with extreme tingling in my right big toe (yes, right side not the left), and to a lesser degree all my other small toes. I have maybe 20% tingling in my left big toe.
*No itching as others have reported.
It's still early days so I might wait a bit longer but I'm hoping this doesn't last as long as other users are reporting.
@beeaydee That itching/flushing is terrible. For me it can be worse than the tingling/electric shocks, depending on how strong they are. I've had both symptoms for over 4 months now. (I've had other weird symptoms, but these are the most concerning.) The itching has gotten better, but I can't tell if the improvement is just from the 3 Allegras per day. The tingling just keeps coming and going. And now that I'm back to work, I get flare ups everyday in the afternoon and evening. I'm a teacher so I have to be "on my toes" during the school day. Then as soon as my body starts to calm down the tingling starts. Tonight it's bad. I'm assuming it's because it's Friday night, and my body is in shut down mode.
Are you taking allergy pills for the itching?
@mika12345 I’m from Sg too. Symptoms like numbness on both legs/hands at the same time. Completed 2nd dose on 7/7 and symptoms seems like started after second dose. Visited GP and TCM and no improvement at all. Been referred to neurologist at NNI for further test.
What I’m thinking is happening is the crowns that the vaccine attaches to each cell, in some of us our body recognizes it as a foreign enemy and sends white cells to attack the cell. If nerve cells get attacked we experience the tingling, pins and needles and numbness. It is like an autoimmune disorder.
I have pins and needles in my scalp, eyes, tongue, neck, hand, foot and numbness on my cheek, mouth, forehead, hand and pain in my leg and very blurry vision and earache and ear ringing. I also have nausea and loss of some taste. I suddenly can’t taste mouthwash for example. I thinking my body is attacking itself due to the Jannsen vaccine I took last week.
CT and MRI scans are normal but something is happening on the cell level which the pharmaceutical companies are not disclosing. They’ve been working on these vaccines for years, they didn’t develop them in 3 months then magically ready to send to trials by Sept. They know exactly what is happening to us and we deserve answers.