Last seen: January 11, 2024 2:26 pm
@carpll14 Hi, sorry to hear you are experiencing this. My best advice to stay calm is dont research possible illnesses you may have. For me, this crea...
@tone ?
@courteneydowell Hi, Yes I absolutely got better! I never thought I would be able to say that but I feel I've improved to about 85-90%. Not quite my p...
@esilver34 Hi, I too had an abnormal brain scan. Mine shows 6 lesions. I have had so many "MS" like symptoms since my vaccination but my neurologist s...
@karenmadsen thats unfortunate but im glad you haven't gotten any worse. Im the same, I think up to month 4 was the worst for me then things started t...
@karenmadsen Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you are still dealing with this after so long. Do you feel your symptoms have atleast improved ...
I just wanted to add one more thing. When considering a new medication, treatment or procedure please weigh up benefits vs risks. Our bodies dont need...
Hi everyone, just a bit of an update. I saw my neurologist again and he said he now has 20+ patients he is treating that are experiencing the same as ...
@hailey I did. My symptoms flared up for about a week after.
@tone i initially thought that all of my heart issues were from pericarditis but the cardiologist says my heart is looking good now so I think my palp...
@tone cardiologist said pericarditis is definitely linked to the vaccine. Neurologist said he has seen alot of people with the same issues after vacci...
@tone my heart issues started within a few days. Tingling started around 12 days after and the rest followed after that.
@tone i did have about a month off work because of the pericarditis. Also the dizziness and vision problems made things hard.
@tone yes I am still currently seeing a neurologist and cardiologist. I have had brain and spinal MRI which revealed a few spots on my brain. The neur...
@tone yes I forgot to mention crazy insomnia! That is still ongoing but not as bad as the first few months. It's like I was sleeping for 20 minute blo...