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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Is this the cure?

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this makes sense. I have just had tests done and found to have injury to the endothelium layer as well as microclots. Every other symptom I have makes total sense and my dr says I don’t have pots despite a prior diagnosis. It is just the injury that’s causing similar symptoms. 

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Posted by: @sunrise

Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @filipolariu

@asanders Are you better?! I really hope so. What about the joints inflammation, are the popping and clicking sounds still there? Any improvements? Thanks!

Actually I was a lot better for a few weeks, but then I thought I am getting better so I guess I can eat a pizzaa...then boom everything came back but still not as severe as before. so I guess I am still in the recovery mode...or is this just a remission I dont know. Now I am back to veggies and intermittent fasting...usually I eat every other day.

Popping and clicking sounds are gone now but there are still a lot of problems with my knees and feet and shoulders. I think now I have some irreversible/permenant problems
but having less burning pain is a lot of improvement for me. I was practically living with thermo ice packs to soothe the burning.

Tinnitus seems to be gone....thats good too. My tinnutus was not as bad as others but still it was very annoying. 

I still have bloody metallic taste in my mouth..this taste comes with other symtomps and goes with other symtomps. 

Internal tremor, Sudden muscle movements, jerks, twitches still come and go.. but less severe now.

I really do have a big problem with my arms...Even lifting groceries/very light exercise  cause my arms to twitch and shake.... And using my arms to lift stuff triggers other symptoms all over my body.


Still using: 

atorvastatin / aspirin / Fluvoxamine / quercetin-zinc /  liposomal c / High dose dust form C / AlphaLipoicAcid / 

omega 3 / coconut oil / curcumin extrat / nigella sativa / silymarin / selenium /

D3K2 / Ata-Mg, magnesium malate , magnesium bisglycinate, elemental magnesium / 

H1-H2 antihistamines / monteloucast / ibuprofen / Coenzym q10 / Resveratrol / Boswellia

and Prednisolone






I’m glad that you feel better.

And your experience is useful to others. I would like to rewrite your treatment schedule according to the purposes of each remedy. That is, if one identifies which products help, find out or confirm what pathogenic mechanisms are involved and, if one knows the mechanisms involved, can find different therapeutic products, corresponding to each mechanism, thus, each person, finds in his area, specific products, as well as after individual tolerance.

Your treatment includes, therefore:

- Anti-inflammatory: anti-inflammatory diet, ibuprofen, prednisolone, fluvoxamin, atorvastatin, curcuma, nigella sativa, boswellia, silymarin, quercetin, resveratrol, omega 3

- Against oxidative stress: glutathione, curcuma, nigella sativa, resveratrol, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, ATA Mg (magnesium N-Acetyltaurinat), silymarin, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin, coconut oil, selenium

- Prevention of coagulation: aspirin, curcuma, omega 3, (also fluvoxamin helps a little)

- MCAS treatment: antihistamine diet, H1, H2 antihistamines, montelukast, quercetin-zinc, vitamin C, nigella sativa

- Useful treatments in case of autoimmune phenomena: prednisolone, boswellia, vitamin D

- Help mitochondria: coenzyme Q10, vitamin C

- Detoxifiers in general: silymarin, glutathione, curcuma

- Detoxification of heavy metals: alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, vitamin C

- Stimulation of immunity against viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic infections: vitamin D3K2, vitamin C, resveratrol, turmeric, coconut oil

- Symptomatic treatment:

    -against involuntary muscle contractions: ATA Mg, magnesium malate, bisglycinate, elemental

    -against pain: ibuprofene, alpha lipoic acid, turmeric, magnesium malate

    -against fatigue and anxiety: magnesium malate, bisglycinate

    -known treatments to support nervous tissue: alpha lipoic acid, resveratrol, curcuma, ATA Mg, coconut oil, selenium.

Just thought I’d show this for the new joiners or those that missed reading this as it was posted back in May. Has anyone tried these supplements? And how is it going


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I’m at home today I called in sick. A couple days ago I was at work in my coordinators office and some had just finished faxing something and when they stamped it with the fax stamp they decided to slam it down onto the paper. Which wasn’t necessary. And guess what happened to me?, it was on my bad side and then immediately my head and my eye and ears felt weird my vision got weird like my eye Muscle wasn’t working well with my other eye causing my eyes not to work well together. And the ringing in my head got progressively worse over the past two days where it woke up in the night even though it never use to before. I just keep getting worse. Also crying doesn’t help with my sensitivity hearing because it makes it worse so I have to bottle up my emotions and can’t let them out. My neurologist canceled on my today due to Illness I was hoping to get some prednisone from him as this helped calm things down for me before. Also my daughter woke up last week with ringing in her ears also a headache and sore ear when she swallowed. It’s been 8 days now for her and she’s only 10 years old. She did get antibiotics, no fevers no redness in throat she got seen twice before she got antibiotics. Antibiotics didn’t take away the ringing. She got one of the COVID vaccines December 2021. But didn’t go for the 2nd part to be fully vax. My biggest regret. I feel so alone in all of this. My family has been supportive in this but sometimes I feel like they just don’t care. I guess because I don’t see them at that extent of like researching info or looking up stuff, like what I am doing maybe? And I expect them to? Maybe that’s my way of seeing that they care. Not sure. I just keep getting worse. I’m not even sure where to begin like how do I know this is MCAS or a mitochondrial thing? Wish I had some guidance. I’m afraid to make things worse as they already are getting worse. I keep telling ppl just because I look well I don’t feel well. Cuz I guess if I look well ppl start to get loud slamm stuff and think it’s okay. But right now my biggest worry is my daughter. I hate for her to go through this. She’s not really that bothered I think it’s more of me but I’m just so afraid it won’t go away. I mean i rather have me go through this. Not her. I’d take on her ringing and add to mine any second. This is so frustrating. How do I get out of this. It’s going to be a year January 10 2023. And nothing. No changes. It actually got worse. I’m afraid I’ll start going deaf from the ringing if it gets too loud. I left a message today at a natural practitioners office today. They are my last hope now. I’m so tired and getting depressed. If anyone get add more info on how to tell the difference from each system and what parts are affected then that would be great. Or success stories. Or Updates. That gives me hope.

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@margaret2022 Hei,


Please check Reddit for more good stuff regarding vaccine long hauler:

I cannot accept that all these side effects will finally kill us - it has to be temporary. All doctors I saw (more than 20, neurologist, cardiologist, gastro etc) said that our bodies are amazing and will finally recover. Every day that pass tells me that is no way back but still, we have to fight. Miss my old body - I almost forgot how my body was.

Pray for you!



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@jwills1 Where did you find the Cromolyn?

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@plandistry Did these supplements cure you?

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Posted by: @jtranger

@jwills1 Where did you find the Cromolyn?

I have struggled to find it anywhere with/without a prescription. Still looking!


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Posted by: @margaret2022

 I’m not even sure where to begin like how do I know this is MCAS or a mitochondrial thing? 

In the video below, Dr. Leo Galland explains the association of mechanisms that seem to be involved in LC, at minute 3:18:



-mast cell activation


-microbial dysbiosis

-viral persistence

-mithochondrial stess

It should be known that these phenomena are all deeply interconnected. So it's not just one or the other, mithochondrial disorder or MCAS.

I think what can be done is to try at the same time treatments for each of these factors.


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I have not posted in a symptoms started over a year ago and have gotten milder, then come back again and again.


Recently (Since mid sept) I have had a sore spot in my back..feels bruised to touch, achy..its very annoying and the only relief I get is laying down and resting. It does come and go I will have a good day and a bad day. They did an MRI w contrast of my thoracic-showed nothing abnormal. Now they are telling me maybe this pain is not in my thoracic, but right at the top of my lumbar, which I had asked to have my ENTIRE spine checked since this was also done to rule out lesions for MS. Now I have to have ANOTHER MRI and it just puts more fear into my mind about them missing something. My brain MRI came back with no changes since last year (I had 2 tiny white areas but they said it was not demylating etc) My rheumatologist checked me for a slew of things, nothing came back to concern her. My biggest fear are things like Multiple Myeloma etc but the Drs say there would be a flag in my CBC for something like that. I guess I really need to stop searching out my symptoms because at this point to equal ANYTHING on


I went to an intergratve DR as well--he did another full work up blood panel..CBC normal, metabolic normal (slightly high vit B) and he told me I need more magnesium. My EBV was over 600 still (but he said my active ebv is not high). My IGG-M was high, but all other IGG was normal. My C reactive was normal which I believe is an inflammation marker. Most lyme tests were negative except for this "41 band" he sent out my blood to IGX...did show a positive and double positive on the 41 band also, and positive for a co infection called "babesia". He has me on FOUR antibiotics right now and I will say I feel horrible. I know that may mean the antibiotics are working, but I do not feel this is 100% the root of my problems. This all started after the vaccine, possibly awakening something dormant in my body? But I still have the racing heart, i get out of breath so easily, my muscles are so weak currently they shake even feeding my toddler, or trying to do a sit up my entire mid section shakes. I take every supplement I can, I am just starting to lose hope that I will ever feel good again, I am only 35 I used to work out 5-6 days a week, run, have energy, now I am down 15lbs and just feel like all I want to do is sleep. Sometimes I feel as if my whole body is pulsing I can't tell if its my heart of just my body. Other symptoms I have just accepted at this point are vision shakiness (not all the time), ringing in ears (mild), eye floaters, muscle weakness, internal tremors (mild), tingling (mild usually after I sit for a while or laying down), headaches have gotten much better, joint pain seems to be better since being on antibiotics, stomach pain is also more mild (i am trying gluten and dairy free also), nerve pain has gotten much better as well. I have also just started HBOT therapy, I will let you all know how it goes, I have been told it has great healing results.

I signed up for the YALE study someone posted in this I have been following that I am going to see if there are any local studies (I am in Albany NY)...I just feel this has to have some correlation to the VX and long covid as I had covid pretty bad in March)...One last thing I will point out-I went on vacation last month, warm weather on a cruise to Mexico and i felt SO good for those 6 days. I dont know if it was the heat, or cocktails or just getting my mind off of this but the minute I got home, I instantly was in pain w my back and felt everything again. 

I think the hardest part for me with two kids under 3 is NOT knowing. I just keep going to every Dr ruling out things because if I dont, theres always a question of WHAT IF I missed this or that..its ruining my life I need to find a way to stop fearing the worst. I never had anxiety prior to this. I hope everyone does have a great holiday season, and one day we all can get back to good health!


-Kristin Galante

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Hey all, 26m here. Got my 1st dose in jan2022, never got my 2nd. Very healthy, and never had an injury in my arm before.


Starting in summer2022 I would get random minor soreness near the injection site. Continued on until 2 weeks ago, where now I have constant soreness, numbing, shooting pains, tingling on arm and left side of body. Felt minor tingling on face, and minor dizziness.

My doctor says it might be a shoulder injury, and referred me for xray and ultrasound. I have full motion in should without pain. The only pain is from the injection site and lower.

Wondering if anyone has experienced some sort of delayed vaccine reaction months after a dose.

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Posted by: @holt

I'm sorry again I haven't been on for a while; electronic use was a big trigger for me. I'm ten months in, double Pfizer (June 26, 2021) and I'm starting to make a decent recovery. I thought this day would never come because everyday new symptoms would show up and I thought I'd be a goner soon and then one day I woke up and started to have more good days than bad.  Eventually, you learn your triggers and avoid them so your body can heal.  Where do I start...  I eventually stopped everything.  It was hard to tell what was helping and what wasn't.  I had almost every symptom mentioned on here, except the hearing and vision issues. I'm not going to list them all because the list is so long. I will mention that I was perfectly healthly before this all happened; no medications. I had just had both my annual medical and aviation medical and both were stellar. I will start with saying I had very bad luck with the vitamins and medicine. Turns out Glutathione contains sulpha.  I'm slightly allergic to sulpha medication. My doctor and neurologists didn't pick up on that when I told them I was taking it.  If you have any sulphite sensitivity, glutathione will make things way worse. Unfortunatley, Queracitin (sp?) made me dizzy as well; a listed possible side effect. I tried DOA, hard to say if it helped.  5-HTP worked for a while and them stopped working.  Prednisone was a disaster; only because it can swell your head and that was my biggest issue. Prednisone added to the swelling. I couldn't recall simple words and my short term memory was practically non-existent.  When I went off this, things improved. Tried a weaker steroid first but did nothing. Vitamin B12 made me way worse too; not sure why, but probably something to due with the histamine connection. The antihistamine Claritin (H1 blocker) helped me a lot for a few months. Those with the digestive issues may need the H2 blocker antihistamines. After that, it made me feel bad. I tried all several other Vitamins and minerals too. I suspect it's because like one guy said in a previous post "Just when I think I've saw everything that is going to happen to me something else shows up". So it seems what works for me varied depending on the symptoms at the time.  I did several tests, blood work, urine. EEG, MRIs.  They keep insisting that everything was normal for my age. The MRI did show some damage in the white matter, but don't panic, white matter damage heals just like a bruise.  They said my symptoms were caused by "old age", "weight", "stress", imagination and whatever else they could think of...  The same response for my sudden allergic reactions to a dozen foods, blue veins everywhere, sudden menopause, "neuropathy", "auto-immune disease", elevated levels of bloodwork stats... etc. They said this was all normal... LOL... apparently within minutes I just coincidently got all of these conditions and just have to lead a healthier life. Ignore what they say, you know the real cause just move on. You aren't going to win; as the doctors can't say anything. Here's some hope... I had such bad cognitive issues it was awful. I thought my brain was damaged forever, but my photographic memory is back. I do not speed read anymore because it will induce some swelling, but I am able to return to reading books at a normal rate. Brain about 90 percent.  Dizziness, headaches, chronic fatigue, arms like flippers, twitching, "zaps" to my appendages, vibrations, heart going crazy, anxiety all gone.  Crazy dreams at night still there but only bad when I swell.  I had to limit the cell phone to 15 min temporaily, but that's back to an hour.  There is still some pain between ears and temple, but I sleep on my hand so the sides of my head and base of my skull don't get compressed.  I also use a memory foam pillow. The swelling in my neck, base of skull, around ears and temple were all swollen lymph nodes pressing on my brain.  FYI... lymph nodes are everywhere in your body.  They clean out the waste in your body.  They swell for multiple reasons, infection, auto-immune. I did some reading in scientific journals about the m-RNA vaccines hijacking the lymphatic system for more efficient delivery, but it's hard to know what's real on-line right now. My neck, up until about a month ago looked like Jabba the Hut, it's way better now.  My left leg still tingles and burns, but only when I've been excessive in my triggers.  Low Histamine Diet really helped.  I don't touch alcohol, caffeine, MSG or aspartame.  As well, sugar is really a killer; it is death for inflamation issues. The electronics were my downfall. I mean really, in todays world they are hard to avoid.  My worst were spinning or fast moving screens, big screen tv, video conferencing, any thing that made me multitask.  I'm not a gamer, but that would sink me if I tried.  Ironically, movies in theatres were not as bad. Just squint if a fast scene comes up to avoid the rapid stream of info to the brain. Strong emotion such as anger, forceful crying and ironically a lot of laughing, like in a social scene, have a big effect.  If you feel strong emotion, stop, take a lot of deep breaths, slow your breathing and it will stop the release of histamine.  Unfortunately, this condition is not something you can exercise your way out of.  It generally makes it worse, at least for me.  Again the histamine release with aerobic exercise.  Light walking and biking did really help though.  I know dragging yourself out of bed or at the end of your work day, when you fell horrible it not ideal, but it does help.  I suspect sunlight will help, as well as the fresh air.  I couldn't take off more than a few weeks a couple of days at a time, so I feel your pain if you still have to work.  I'm a single Mom and some days were brutal.  If you can, take a long chunk of sick time; it will help.  If you can't, explain to your employer that you have to slow down.  No one turns on their video when they talk to me.  If the computer is starting up, I do not look at the spinning circle as it it a big trigger. I extract myself from multi-tasking as much as possible. Some days, the really blue veins in my feet, hands and neck scare me.  I suspect it may be capillary damage.  I suspect again the nanoparticle lipid carrier for the spike protein may be responsible; as my reading talked about having the ability to travel through capillaries, due to their small size.  Again, not sure if this is real info but the journal looked legit. That would explain the white matter damage in my brain and the blue lines all through my body.  Again, I think the head is healing and hopefully my body. The induced menopause if also over for the people who are worried about fertility.  Everything if back to normal. If some of you are having the urine symptoms, its protein and shedding of your bladder cells.  That will stop too. If I've missed addressing some symptoms, I'm sorry its sometimes hard to keep track of them all.  I have another doctors visit scheduled next month (it takes a couple of months to get an in person appointment) to check out my stats to see if they improved.  Unfortunately, our province is running out of blood sample vials... I know, you've got to be kidding... I wish I was...  They are limiting tests, but if I get results, I will post them.  I will finish with, don't give up hope.  I thought I'd be well at the three month mark, then the six month mark.  Everybody is different in their recovery.  Sometimes just when you think it's all done it comes back; but it feels different this time.  I'm certain Im on my way now as the good days are far outnumbering the bad.  Take Care.

it’s been 18 months for you, how are you doing? 


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Posted by: @josephduncan

Hi, I've been following this forum since early July 21 when I have experienced a number of the symptoms reported by others. I'm 37, male, from the UK and initial investigations were via the NHS before being fortunate enough to see specialists privately (neurological surgeon, physios, cardiologist, neurologist).

My symptoms began 1 week after my 2nd pfizer vaccine. Symptoms varied in nature and intensity over 7 months. The first 2 months were the worst with constant dizziness, tiredness, severe back and neck ache, tingling in arms and legs, tinnitus, head pressure, brain fog and insomnia. I was off work for 6 weeks and daily tasks including looking after 2x young children were really very difficult indeed. Prior to the vaccine I was very fit, cycling and running most days. Saw numerous doctors and all blood tests, scans came back negative. Then in early January I saw a neurologist who thought the vaccine could have triggered vestibular migraines (possible I've always been susceptible to them but never been triggered the way they had with the vaccine). He prescribed me with v low dosage nortriptyline (10mg) every day for a period of 6 weeks. During that time there was very little change to my symptoms. I was prescribed another 4 weeks as some people take a long time to react to the drug apparently. By 8 weeks of taking the drug my symptoms quickly started to disappear and by 10 weeks totally gone. In my case I feel it was vestibular migraines triggered by the vaccine. 

I wanted to share my story as hopefully it might help someone on here with a line of investigation they have not already tried. Given the complexity of this whole things I suspect this may not be the answer for everyone unfortunately. For long periods I thought I would have to live with the life changing symptoms, which had a massive impact on my and my family's quality of life. I feel I got very lucky with the neurologists diagnosis and his prescription of what is a relatively common and well-used drug. 

Take care everyone. 


hi hope you are well, I was just reading the comments in the forum from the early year as I was going through my symptoms I probably missed a lot of comments but after reading yours it seems similar to my treatment. My neurologist wanted to give me olanzipine for the same thing migraines, which I don’t get by the way. But his reason was to settle Down my nervous system so it can heal, he also thinks migraines had to do with it. Interesting. Question though, are you still taking the medication that your neuro prescribed you? Or were you able to come off it? Also have you had any flare ups or symptoms appear since? I did see your symptoms disappeared completely. I am just looking for hope. I have really bad hearing sensitivity and ringing in my head which drives me crazy at times. And it’s only getting worse each time I’m exposed to sudden loud sounds. I hate it. Hope to hear from you


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Tinnitus video

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Posted by: @sunrise

Tinnitus video


yeah great video for sure. I tried this in the beginning it only made my tinnitus worse. I think it’s because mine is caused by inflammation. For me I notice when ever I am exposed to loud sounds my hissing gets louder and then followed by pressure behind my ears and sometimes a sore neck on the side that’s sensitive. And my eye starts to feel weird. But when I was on the prednisone these things reduced but not 100%. So right now I am having a relapse due to exposure to a loud sound last Tuesday now it feels like things are tight in my head like pressure but it’s not a headache. What happens is things progressively get worse over a course of a few days. Then it takes a while before I feel relief. Like days to weeks. So I’m not sure what to do. If I go see a doctor I feel like I’m waisting my time. Plus my daughter has covid now she tested positive on Friday. I’m so fearful to get it. I can’t imagine what it would do to me? What if inside my head gets so swollen I die. Or something you know. This vaccine really messed up the way my body responds to sound and probably sickness too. My daughter has been isolating since Thursday evening when she started to feel off. So I’ve been masking up hoping I don’t get it for the life of me. She also developed ringing in her ear a week before she got covid. She just woke up with a sore ear when she swallowed and then a headache and ringing that morning. And it’s been ringing since. Going on 2 weeks Tuesday for her. I blame the vaccine too for her. I’m finding even ppl at their year mark are getting symptoms of something. She got her vac only the first half of her dose early December. She did get a couple of colds this summer and fall and no issues at all. Here I was thinking too ohh since she got half the vax should be out of her system but then that happened. it’s leaving with a bang I guess. 


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