Last seen: January 8, 2025 6:08 am
Therapy attempt with blood letting
An informative video: supplements recommended by dr. Amen in the case of a lady affected by brain fog following the C19 infection.
OMF's StudyME for individuals affected by Chronic Complex Diseases: ME/CFS, LC, Fibromyalgia, and other post-infection illnesses
25:30 Dr. Anthony Komaroff, who has been studying ME/CFS for over 40 years, shows the similarities between ME/CFS and LC:34:40 List of microorganisms ...
A very informative video
Interesting video about the deficiency of copper, vitamin B1, folic acid, B12 and gluten sensitivity in connection with the C19-infection.
Dr. Harlan Krumholz talks about the LISTEN study:
@heybro There are many kinds of magnesium compounds: citrate, glycinate, malate and more.Some types may help support specific health issues, for ex...
@heybro About benfotiamine I can say with certainty that it helps. A product with benfotiamine is milgamma.On youtube channel EONutrition there are...
Some informative videos:Therapy planCDL(English subtitles can be selected)Vitamin B1, D and MagnesiumAvoid these risk factors to prevent brain inflamm...
Anxiety in LC and ME/CFS
A new video on Kindred youtube channel, people share their experiences
Therapeutic apheresis (INUSpherese) seems to be useful:English subtitles are available.
On the German forum are reported positive experiences with CDL:See also
Dry needling, vagus nerve stimulation