@margaret2022 i did an antibody IgG (quantitative) test in the month of july (almost 13 months after the shots) and the level was 4485Au/ml. I rechecked it in August again and it was down to 3682Au/ml. I would be doing another one in the next few days as am trying this nutraceutical supplement called vedicinals
That's interesting. Your antibody level dropped 800 units in one month. How are you finding Vedicinals? Is it expensive? Yes it would be interesting seeing if your antibody levels drop more while on Vedicinal. Have you caught the virus by any chance? If so, did it make your symptoms worse?
Unfortunately in Australia the serology test report only says "positive", and doesn't separate the virus from the vaccine. You (and others) are quite fortunate to know your antibody levels.
Success Story
My friend Nick has severe muscle spasms and nerve tremors.
He went on IVIG and it is working.
A biopsy after jab compared to biopsy after IVIG shows that the jab caused nerve loss and IVIG caused three fold increase in nerve density.
In short, the jab caused his body to start eating his own nerves.
Where is your friend nick based? I’m in uk and I’m really scared
Success Story
My friend Nick has severe muscle spasms and nerve tremors.
He went on IVIG and it is working.
A biopsy after jab compared to biopsy after IVIG shows that the jab caused nerve loss and IVIG caused three fold increase in nerve density.
In short, the jab caused his body to start eating his own nerves.
Where is your friend nick based? I’m in uk and I’m really scared
ivig is the only thing that help some people, here in italy i can die 100 times before they can treat me with ivig
@Thisistoomuch only treatment offered is lyrica , does nothing for me. Day after day i m losing walking ability plus other 100 symptoms. 8 and half months only getting worse and new symptoms every week. Until the day before vax i walked as a trekker 8 hours a day every weekend,never been ill in my life.
@margaret2022: I was on sertraline. I decided to come off it (actually to switch to something new) as I felt I’d been on it so long that my body had gotten used to it and it wasn’t as effective anymore. I’m retrospect probably a mistake. Although I still think the vaccine has had more to do with my tinnitus spike than the SSRI situation.
@margaret2022: I was on sertraline. I decided to come off it (actually to switch to something new) as I felt I’d been on it so long that my body had gotten used to it and it wasn’t as effective anymore. I’m retrospect probably a mistake. Although I still think the vaccine has had more to do with my tinnitus spike than the SSRI situation.
Hi all,
I've been watching this topic for a while now, haven't posted until now. I'll give a quick background.
Got my first pfizer dose in May 2021, had immediate nervous system shaking that day which went away after a couple hours. 10 days later Numbness and tingling in hands and feet started. Had second shot in August 2021. Mostly leveled out until October when many more symptoms started. Thought I had MS, had an MRI which was clear. Then talked to a neurologist who agreed it was from vaccine. Things got better in March of this year, felt 80-90% better.
Then last month I started on a hormonal birth control, had 4 massive panic attacks within 2 weeks so I stopped the birth control right away. Within a week all my neurological symptoms came back full force, but now with new symptoms. I'm so frustrated, I thought things were better but it seems hormones are a big trigger for me?
I'm seeing a doctor today so she can refer me to a neurologist again, but I'm in canada so it takes forever to see someone. I'm just at a loss... I have 2 young boys and I'm finding it hard to keep up and be my best self...
I'm thinking about trying acupuncture also, has anyone tried this and it helped?
@margaret2022: I was on sertraline. I decided to come off it (actually to switch to something new) as I felt I’d been on it so long that my body had gotten used to it and it wasn’t as effective anymore. I’m retrospect probably a mistake. Although I still think the vaccine has had more to do with my tinnitus spike than the SSRI situation.
How is your tinnitus? Mine have better days and bad days. I didn't notice any relationship to the food (caffeine might play a role but I'm not sure) and the intensity increases without me doing anything about it. This has left me somewhat frustrated but I'm getting used to it with time although I'm not sure it will ever go away.
Haven’t been on here inna while….
I had horrible issues that I previously mentioned about 1 year ago that all started 2 weeks post moderna vaccine. The main problems I had were PVCs, Brain fog, increased BP, feeling confused all day, and horrible constant anxiety. These problems lasted for 3 months and slowly but completely went away. ( BTW 27 year old male with no prior health issues)
I went back to my normal life with my wife and son and thought this horrible vaccine experience had left my body and was gone for 8-9 months, I had pretty well forgot about it even happening.
About 3 weeks ago I started having chest pains and very odd BPM issues (very low while sitting / sleeping and higher than normal while standing / walking) and along came the intense brain fog / confusion and anxiety. This is really beating me down considering I thought I had recovered and moved on with my life. I’m mainly here to see if anyone has experienced a relapse after feeling 100% better? This time I did get an antibody test which showed me having >2500 and I’m pretty sure that’s as high as that test went. The only thing I can come up with is, that after the vaccine i had a very high antibody count which eventually lowered and then possibly got exposed to Covid which trigger the antibodies to spike back up resulting in my relapse. Other than that I have absolutely no clue as to what’s happening to me and it makes me feel like I’m loosing my mind.
I’m not making this post to discourage anyone that’s dealing with symptoms or that’s feeling better as I pray that we all have relief soon. I’m just looking for anyone that has been in the same boat as me to hopefully find answers and relief. I appreciate any reply’s and thoughts.
Have a blessed day,
From the above discussions, I understood the side effects of Covid 19. To be very frank this kind of discussion gives more insights about our concerns. It was really tiring during those times after the Covid 19. I was affected with whole body pain and selling due to the pandemic. I visited Naturopathy Clinic, Massaging therapies and what more.
It was a hard season.
@kalynn hi, I did acupuncture for about 4 months and my symptoms got better. Honestly I don’t know is it the acupuncture helping or with time we do get better, if it’s not too costly I reckon you can give acupuncture a try? I read that it’s not immediate results and you got to keep going for a few months..
@kalynn i m looking in groups for 8 months and unfortunally it is a very common thing to relapse bad after feeling better, who knows what are the many triggers. Thans why a lot of people don't post recovery stories because they are still scared.