Last seen: May 11, 2022 1:42 pm
@apollo Did your doctor say how long it would take for the vaccine to get out of our systems? When did you get yours? Have you been dizzy?
@yoki How long did it take for the dizziness to go away for you?
@mexvaxed How long ago did you get the vaccine?
@andym Does decaffeinated coffee affect you?
@prayingforthebest I had the exact same. I also got j&j in April. I'm still dealing with the dizziness, off balance, full ears and tinnitus...
@hnlinneman What does your chiropractor do? I went today. He just did an adjustment
@courtneymchale2288 What vitamins and how much do you take?
@sia77 Just left chiropractor. They did ear candling and adjustment. I'm not sure yet if it helped as I feel better in the afternoons
@hidden1959 I reported mine
@barb56 I have been dizzy since April from the vaccine. I got a bad sinus cold two months ago and it set it all off more
4 months ago
@hnlinneman I got my vaccine 4 months ago and I am still dealing with dizziness. I hope this goes away soon! I'm going to try a chiropractor tomorr...
@ohjason When did you get the vaccine?
I'm hearing the vaccine is causing fluid in ears causing dizziness and full feeling in ears and tinnitus. I started Advil cold and sinus, Zyrtec twice...
@apollo How long has it been for you?? I'm five weeks past the 12 week post...ughhh