Last seen: May 31, 2022 3:58 am
@ellemaria Many Thanks for you answer Elle15!
@katarina Many Thanks Katarina!
Guys what do you think after what time people are safer not to die from the vacc? I do not know why but I am today in a bit of too much panic mo...
guys I am at the 2 months after vacc. I had in that time no breathing problems. Since today I have breathing problems. Another thing is, I did...
Yeah the mornings are really bad. I took some Zopiclon and could sleep well first time since days. But then I wake up and I am directly reminded I am ...
Guys I talked now and since days with a very kind woman who has great experience wiht great doctors and also uses the Bruce Patterson Protocols. She...
My Labor values from 29.03.2022 HbA1c IFCC <39 mmol/mol 34Leukozyten 4,06-11,89 /nl 7,49Leukozyten 4,06-11,89 /nl ...
ok thx I found the update. Do you not do the hyperbaric oxyge therapy Dee? I want to do it if possible.
How please?
Guys anyone felling bad and unwell in the morning but then again ok i the evening and night? I only feel unwell at night when at around 4 am in ...
@steske Why not doing any treatments. Are your symptoms so mild?
@steske Hi where did you do this tests? at your doctos? or you went to any Lab? And you already taking some medikaments like Keotifen? or any...
Guys anyone have already done the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? I want to start doing it next week. So please give me some answers if it did ...
Guys anyone have already done the Hyperbaric Therapy? I want to start doing it next week. So please give me some answers if it did help yo...
Guys anyone started to take again prednisone again after dealing with the vacc sideekkects sind weeks and months. And did anyone take ColChicine or...