Last seen: May 15, 2022 8:10 am
@larag I’m of a similar mindset.
@lmkk Hey there, I have a little one as well, though mine is a little older than your’s. I completely empathize with you on getting these scary sympt...
@jonsnow I am in the same boat as you except my ear inflammation left me permanently deaf in one ear. I guess we will all have to make the decision w...
Hi everyone, I wanted to give an update on trying the Long-Covid protocol. Specifically, I’m in the middle of a 2-week round of Fluvoxamine (doctor p...
@memphismel Geez. Good luck! I hope your GP will be rational. If not, could you get a second (or third or fourth opinion)? Can healthcare workers even...
Hi everyone, I have nothing new to report. I’m officially 5 months out from my second jab and still in this journey. I have had marked improveme...
@s-m-a I am SO glad to see a positive story here! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m considering trying Flovoxamine since I have a doc who is open-m...
I was spiraling down this same path of regret, but I finally determined it was unhealthy and could only make things worse, not better. We can’t blame...
I’m in the same boat, except the palpating and heart rate elevation didn’t start until weeks after my initial symptoms of vertigo and hearing loss. I...
Ugh, that sucks. I know the feeling of thinking you’re better and then relapsing. I’m 4.5 months in. At about month 2/2.5, I dad almost a complete ...
Thanks @megan. I filled out this form. I hope more of us on this forum will do so as well to the extent you agree with the statements (pro-science, ...
@marieski858 So sorry you’re in this same, awful boat. I’m a mother of a toddler too. I’m a bit farther out than you (4.5 months since my second dos...
Did anyone sometimes feel like their brain was tingling or like a “zap” in the brain? After my 5-6 weeks of feeling great and thinking all of this wa...
So glad to hear your dizziness did eventually resolve. Thank you for sharing that info. I just hit my 4 month anniversary of the onset of this nightma...
I’m in the same boat. I had about 5-6 weeks of being 90-95% better (besides my hearing loss) but then the dizziness came back with some more terrible...