Last seen: March 9, 2022 5:30 am
The worst symptom for me is head pressure and the resulting brain fog. I will experience a wave of sudden and (at times severe) pressure at the back o...
I had a thought this morning: We should all post what has helped us feel better, if only marginally, to help those who are new to this - and to give e...
@medee I think we are getting closer to finding an answer. The fact that Science - a reputable journal - published an article on adverse effects follo...
I have been celebrating this article all day. Thank you for posting it for us. It's a great step in the right direction. It feels SO good to be valida...
I have no idea; I haven't been tested for it. I notice that several times per week, I will suddenly become weak, shaky, and flushed. It goes away almo...
I am so sorry. I've been where you are. It feels as if it'll never end. It's especially hard when a relapse comes on while at work. Having to pretend ...
Wow - I wanted to thank everyone for your kind and thoughtful responses. I almost started crying. It means more than you'll ever know. I am so thankfu...
Just needing to vent: After a physically exhausting week at work, I had a bad relapse of head pressure and weakness. I resorted to using 400mg of ib...
Yikes. . .my second dose of Moderna is listed on that site. This is why it's SO important that everyone report to VAERS!
@jessiekhri I would love to work from home, but my company doesn't allow it for more than a week at a time - and because I'm working in reception, the...
@plandistry Thank you for your reply! My supervisor is quite unforgiving (to put it politely.) But if she's required by law to accommodate me, I will ...
@lmkk No, unfortunately I'm in the US. I'm sure we have something similar, though, so I'll look into it. Thank you!
Does anyone know what my options are for taking time off of work to recover without going completely without income? My supervisor recently put me i...
I wholeheartedly agree. Please, everyone: Report your symptoms to VAERS. Self-report if you must; I did. The more symptoms that are reported, the more...
I've also found the disbelief from others to be isolating and painful. I have never been an antivaxxer, nor have I ever been one to make things up, so...