Last seen: March 26, 2022 2:40 pm
@sickofthis hi there! I’m on my 7th month and things have seemed to be better since Dec 1 I found a really good naturopath I've done 5 NAD+ IV treatme...
@jeank how are you doing these days ? We have been on a similar time line
@maz12 not yet! I am scheduled to go on Tuesday at 2:30pm! I will update with how it goes!
has anyone done NAD IV treatments? I’ve finally talked to a naturopath Dr here in Canada and he is the first professional that acknowledged and bel...
We are having another zoom chat tonight Dec 08 5pm PST Courtney Dobson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Courtney Dobson's Zoom...
@hisriches yes! I am planning to have weekly zooms if you email me I will get you in the zoom chat email 🙂 [email protected]
@gabw hey send me an email! I’m trying to make it a weekly thing to check in on each other! [email protected]
were about to have our first zoom chat! come join if you can 4pm PST just a place to vent and meet others face to face passcode: xtX3n8
@centeno1023 hi there 🙂 so glad you made an account 🙂
We’ve decided a date and time for a zoom chat! Dec 2 2021 at 4:00pm PST here is the link if your wanting to join! Courtney Dobson is invitin...
So I’ve been planning a zoom group chat and have about 6 people in the group if anyone would like to join we are planning on having a zoom call an eve...
If anyone wants to join a zoom chat I’m going to be planning one for next week hopefully! Send me an email and I will join you to my email list! court...
@gloriam if you want to send me an email I will try to get this going! [email protected] 🙂
@judes I totally understand you! I’m PST as well I am from BC Canada more specifically abbotsford BC Canada you can email me if you want! 🙂 courtneyv...
I would love if we could get a zoom group going for support from each other I am feeling very down lately with all this and no one really understand e...