Last seen: April 27, 2024 1:31 pm
2.5 years , positive to small fiber neuropathy induced by vax, i have fatigue, numbess, fasiculations, burning, dry eyes, dry mouth and blurry vision....
@peterc you read this forum (that is a minimal part) and you keep doing that? I got nothing until my third, wish you luck
@buzzgirl trust me i know tons of people with life destroyed and they don't exagerate, i spoke for over a year with many that are no more with us bec...
@dreamer92 18 months and worst than ever. Many people just don't post anymore like me because there is no point. Small fiber neuropathy almost no one ...
@maxdc2 not at all. i have depression before but my body was super healty. Now i have so many sympthoms and damage . Don't let them fool you telling i...
14 months after m booster. My life is hell, i have numbness, burning, pain in all the nerves expecially in my back. Sand in eyes and in mouth. Fascico...
9 months getting worse, hand numb and burn, legs hurts,trouble swallowing,no tears,no saliva,feet burn,fasciculation all the time, nerve pain,electric...
ivig is the only thing that works for people. i live in a country were i can get it and i can no longer live in this state, my hands are getting worst...
@dazednconfused Small fiber neuropathy many i seen (myself included) got it from this poison. Only way too find out is with punch biopsy
@dazednconfused have you checked for snf ?
@dazednconfused have you checked for snf ?
@Thisistoomuch there are subreddit of vaccinelonghaulers covidlonghaulers longhaulersrecovery , also there are fb groups like covidlonghaulers neurolo...
@kalynn i m looking in groups for 8 months and unfortunally it is a very common thing to relapse bad after feeling better, who knows what are the many...
@Thisistoomuch only treatment offered is lyrica , does nothing for me. Day after day i m losing walking ability plus other 100 symptoms. 8 and half mo...
ivig is the only thing that help some people, here in italy i can die 100 times before they can treat me with ivig